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E-mail: miguelgeri@yahoo.com.ar

"IRÁN"...La máquina del terror...

01.02.2013 20:14

La Sharia vio: EL aterrador dispositivo Irán utiliza para cortar los dedos de los criminales

    Fotos publicadas por la agencia de noticias iraní controlada por el Estado
    Penal fue declarado culpable de robo y adulterio por un tribunal de Shiraz
    Su mano se coloca en un tornillo de banco antes de sierra circular corta el dedo
    Irán irán a las urnas para reemplazar al presidente Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Por Correo Servicio Exterior

PUBLICADO: 12:20 GMT, 30 de enero de 2013 | Actualizado a 07:26 GMT, 31 de enero 2013


Mirando como algo pensado para una película de terror espeluznante, esta sierra crudo se está utilizando para amputar los dedos de los delincuentes en Irán.

En una serie de fotografías publicadas por la agencia estatal de noticias del país, un hombre con los ojos vendados es conducido a la máquina en la que dos hombres encapuchados le puso la mano en un vicio.

Otro se vuelve un mango que opera una sierra circular que guillotina cuatro de los dedos del hombre.
Inquietante: La serie de imágenes muestra tres funcionarios enmascarados que sostienen la mano derecha del hombre en un tornillo de banco mientras se opera la sierra giratoria

Brutal: autoridades iraníes han publicado fotos de su máquina crudo amputación dedo

Delitos: El hombre fue declarado culpable por un tribunal en el suroeste de la ciudad de Shiraz de robos y delitos de adulterio: El hombre fue declarado culpable por un tribunal en la ciudad suroccidental de Shiraz de robo y adulterio
The Sharia saw: The terrifying device Iran uses to chop off criminals' fingers

  • Pictures released by Iran's state-controlled news agency
  • Criminal was found guilty of theft and adultery by a court in Shiraz
  • His hand is put into a vice before circular saw severs finger
  • Iran will go to the polls to replace president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

By Mail Foreign Service


Looking like something devised for a grisly horror movie, this crude saw is being used to amputate the fingers of criminals in Iran.

In a series of photographs released by the country’s state news agency, a blindfolded man is led to the machine where two hooded men put his hand in a vice.

Another turns a handle which operates a circular saw that guillotines four of the man’s fingers.

Disturbing: The series of pictures shows three masked officials holding the man's right hand in a vice while one operates the rotary saw

Brutal: Iranian authorities have released pictures of their crude finger amputation machine

Crimes: The man was found guilty by a court in the southwestern city of Shiraz of theft and adultery Crimes: The man was found guilty by a court in the southwestern city of Shiraz of theft and adultery

His bloody hand is then held up before being dipped in raw iodine. Incredibly, the man’s face reveals no pain, suggesting he may have been drugged.

The man was found guilty of theft and adultery by a court in the south-western city of Shiraz last week and his punishment was meted out under sharia laws.

Following the amputation, a public prosecutor said that such punishments for criminals would become more severe in an announcement seen as a warning before June’s elections to replace President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has served his maximum two terms.


Mahmoud Amiry-Moghaddam, a spokesman for Iran Human Rights, said: ‘I believe this is a strategy to instil fear in the population so as to avoid any protests.’

Last week, at least 15 journalists were arrested in what Sherif Mansour, of the Committee to Protect Journalists, described as part of a ‘never-ending effort to brand critics as enemies of the state’.

Under Sharia law, amputation, whipping, and even death by stoning are all legal forms of punishment.

Incredibly the man's face shows no pain suggesting he may have been drugged before the procedure

Incredibly the man's face shows no pain suggesting he may have been drugged before the procedure

Brutal: Iranian authorities have released pictures of their crude finger amputation machine

Disturbing: The series of pictures shows three masked officials holding the man's right hand in a vice while one operates the rotary saw

When Iran last went to the polls in 2009, hundreds of thousands took to the streets in protest over the disputed victory of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in what was dubbed the Green revolution.

Clashes between hardliners and reformers are expected at this year's election.

Earlier this month two men were publicly hanged in the capital Tehran after being found guilty of carrying out a violent street robbery.

On his way out: Iranians are preparing to go to the polls in June to replace president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will have served the maximum two terms

On his way out: Iranians are preparing to go to the polls in June to replace president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who will have served the maximum two terms

Authorities in Tehran do not want to see a repeat of 2009's 'Green Revolution', when thousands took to the streets to protest the disputed election result

Dissent: Authorities in Tehran do not want to see a repeat of 2009's 'Green Revolution', when thousands took to the streets to protest the disputed election result

Alireza Mafiha and Mohammad Ali Sarvari were paraded before a baying crowd of 300 in a public park before nooses were placed around their necks and they were hoisted into the air up by cranes.

The pair had been arrested after posting a video on YouTube in December showing them attacking a man with a machete on a Tehran street.

It showed four masked men on motorbikes approaching their victim before assaulting him with a machete and taking his bag and jacket.

Public hanging: Convicted robbers Alireza Mafiha and Mohammad Ali Sarvari are led to gallows in Tehran earlier this month

Public hanging: Convicted robbers Alireza Mafiha and Mohammad Ali Sarvari are led to gallows in Tehran earlier this month


Publicado por Miguel...